Aug 30

AIMS TTP training Goes Up North-Maroua


For the first time since training began, the AIMS Teacher Training Program has gone beyond the horizons of the Mfoundi division.

The AIMS-MasterCard Foundation Mathematics Teacher Training Program (TTP) held its 4th workshop of 50 IN-SERVICE Mathematics Teachers from the 13th to the 18h of August 2018. These fifty (50) teachers, (1) female and (49) male are of the Francophone sub-educational system and were trained on how to teach in a more engaging and practical way in a bid to ameliorate their pedagogy and increase secondary school students’ interest in mathematics.

As earlier mentioned, these teachers are the first set of teachers for rolling –out training out of Mfoundi and they came from all the six (6) Divisions of the Far North Region. As TTP continues to seek the improvement of the quality of Maths education at the secondary education, the teachers were equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes to prepare and deliver interactive, engaging and innovative gender sensitive Mathematics lessons. The trainers used different strategies during sessions and the teachers actually prepared lessons in groups and delivered to the rest of the participants.

All sessions in the workshop were facilitated by the TTP-trained Master Trainers, who began with sessions on leadership, values, and motivation that are foundational attitudes in the teaching profession.  As leaders, the teachers have a sense of duty towards their students and should respect and exude the ethics that tag the teaching profession.

With the tone set on being a good teacher, the next 3 training sessions touched on how to become excellent teachers and the tools to use to enrich their lessons in order to pique their students’ interest.

With all the knowledge gained during the first three days of the training, the fourth day was reserved for lesson delivery to their peers in preparation for an actual lesson delivery in a real classroom setting on the fifth day at Lycée Classique and Moderne de Maroua.

However, the classroom setting this time was altered due to the unavailability of students. This was due to the training taking place during the holidays, hence their absence. The trainees however filled the void by acting as students.

All in all, the training was successful as per the testimonies from some trainees who couldn’t stop thanking AIMS for such an innovative program.

Xouyane Bourfane said:

J’ai aussi beaucoup admiré l’humilité de tous nos formateurs. Ils se comportaient vraiment comme nos égaux et étaient vraiment accessibles. On s’alignait ensemble pour manger, on blaguait même,… Et tout ceci rendait les choses faciles pour nous. Depuis l’ICG, Prof, notre maman Emilie, les IPN, Les IPR, Les grands docteurs, ils nous ont montré le bon exemple. C’est ainsi que nous devons nous comporter avec nos apprenants pour rompre certaines barrières entre nous. Merci vraiment. Je n’ai plus besoin d’être reconnaissant pour cette formation.

Vraiment merci

Translated as “I greatly admired the humility of all our trainers. They interacted with us as if we were equals and they were really accessible. We ate and even joked together. All these little gestures made things easier for us in. From the ICG, to Prof. Daniel, our Mother Emilia, the IPN, the IPR, and the Professors all showed us the good example of how we need to interact and behave with our students in order to break down the pre—existent student-teacher barriers. I am really grateful for this training, truly, I am. THANK YOU

Ngafwe said :

« Merci AIMS ; tu es venu changer des mentalités et   briser le mythe des maths ».

“Thank you AIMS; you came in the nick of time to change our mentalities and break the math myth”.

Hamzatou Babarou said :

 « AIMS est pour moi un vivrier et il apparaît exactement au moment où j’en avais besoin. Merci infiniment à cette équipe qui croit en nous. Et j’appelle tout le monde si vous me permettez d’être ses ambassadeurs pour un Cameroun encore meilleur. Pour finir, rendons aux maths sa place d’antan et faisons vivre nos enfants ses merveilles ».

 “AIMS is food to my soul and it came at a time when I needed it. Thank you so much to this team that believes in us. And I call on everyone if you allow me to be true ambassadors of AIMS and even better. Finally, I urge us all to make Math regain its power and make great changes in our children’s lives”.